Intimate Sounds From The Past (2017)
for tape
Premiere performance:
Soirée sonore #4
En partenariat avec ARTE Radio
Thursday, 16 November 2017
Musée - Niveau 4, Musée - Niveau 5, Cinéma 1, Forum - Centre Pompidou, Paris
Further performances:
oFFBorders Festival, electroacoustic music, video and performing art
Sunday, 22 April 2018
2nd Tehran International Electronic Music Festival
Avini Concert Hall
Saturday, 8 September 2018
This is a study on the articulation of distinct sonic material and the possible ways that it can be transformed and generate a structural narrative, a small acousmatic tale. If it can be seen in three parts, the material remains invariant but it progresses drastically! This oxymoron forges a continuous metallaxis of identical sounds, attempting to destroy memory while de- contextualizing intimate sounds from the past. My main goal was to unravel various treatments and representations of my material aiming for the illusion of multiple and heterogeneous sonic entities.